I Tend to Lose Track of What Im Reading

Meetings: Introduction
  • Adept morning/afternoon, everyone.
  • If we are all hither, let's get started / start the meeting / start.
Welcoming and Introducing
  • Please join me in welcoming (proper noun of participant)
  • We're pleased to welcome (name of participant)
  • I'd like to extend a warm welcome to (name of participant)
  • It's a pleasure to welcome (proper name of participant)
  • I'd like to innovate (proper noun of participant)
Stating the Principal Objectives
  • We're here today to ...
  • I'd like to brand sure that we ...
  • Our main aim today is to ...
  • I've chosen this meeting in order to ...
Giving Apologies for Someone Who is Absent
  • I'thou afraid.., (proper name of participant) tin't be with united states of america today. She is in...
  • Unfortunately, (name of participant) ... will not be with us to mean solar day because he ...
  • I take received apologies for absence from (proper noun of participant), who is in (place).
Reading the Minutes (notes) of the Last Meeting
  • To begin with I'd like to quickly go through the minutes of our last meeting.
  • First, let'south get over the report from the last meeting, which was held on (date)
  • Here are the minutes from our last meeting, which was on (date)
Dealing with Recent Developments
  • Jack, tin y'all tell us how the XYZ project is progressing?
  • Jack, how is the XYZ project coming along?
  • John, take you completed the study on the new accounting package?
  • Has everyone received a copy of the Tate Foundation written report on current marketing trends?
Moving Forward
  • So, if there is nothing else nosotros demand to discuss, let'south move on to today's agenda.
  • Shall we become downwardly to business?
  • Is in that location Whatever Other Business organisation?
  • If there are no farther developments, I'd like to move on to today's topic.
Introducing the Agenda
  • Take you all received a copy of the agenda?
  • There are X items on the agenda. Start, ... second, ... third, ... lastly, ...
  • Shall we take the points in this order?
  • If y'all don't mind, I'd similar to go in lodge today.
  • Let's skip item 1 and motion on to item three
  • I advise we accept item ii last.
Allocating Roles (secretarial assistant, participants)
  • (name of participant) has agreed to accept the minutes.
  • (proper name of participant), would you mind taking the minutes?
  • (proper noun of participant) has kindly agreed to give usa a report on ...
  • (name of participant) volition pb point i, (name of participant) signal 2, and (name of participant) betoken 3.
  • (name of participant), would y'all heed taking notes today?
Like-minded on the Ground Rules for the Meeting (contributions, timing, controlling, etc.)
  • We will first hear a short report on each indicate first, followed by a word of ...
  • I suggest we go round the table first.
  • Let's make sure we cease by ...
  • I'd suggest we ...
  • At that place volition be five minutes for each item.
  • We'll have to keep each item to xv minutes. Otherwise we'll never get through.
Introducing the First Detail on the Calendar
  • So, permit's start with ...
  • I'd propose we start with...
  • Why don't we start with...
  • And so, the first particular on the agenda is
  • Pete, would you like to kick off?
  • Shall nosotros start with ...
  • (name of participant), would you similar to introduce this particular?
Closing an Item
  • I call up that takes care of the first item.
  • Shall we leave that item?
  • Why don't we movement on to...
  • If nobody has anything else to add, lets ...
Next Detail
  • Let's motility onto the next item
  • Now that nosotros've discussed Ten, let's now ...
  • The next item on today'south agenda is...
  • At present we come to the question of.
Giving Control to the Next Participant
  • I'd similar to paw over to (name of participant), who is going to lead the adjacent point.
  • Next, (proper name of participant) is going to take usa through ...
  • Now, I'd similar to innovate (name of participant) who is going to ...
  • Before we close today'southward meeting, let me simply summarize the main points.
  • Let me quickly go over today'south principal points.
  • To sum up, ...,.
  • OK, why don't we rapidly summarize what we've done today.
  • In cursory, ...
  • Shall I go over the main points?
Finishing Up
  • Right, it looks as though nosotros've covered the main items.
  • If there are no other comments, I'd like to wrap this coming together upwardly.
  • Let'southward bring this to a close for today.
  • Is there Any Other Business organization?
esting and Agreeing on Time, Date and Place for the Next Coming together
  • Can nosotros prepare the appointment for the next meeting, please?
  • So, the next coming together will be on ... (day), the . . . (date) of.. . (calendar month) at ...
  • Permit's adjacent see on ... (day), the . . . (appointment) of.. . (month) at ... What about the following
  • Wed? How is that?
Thanking Participants for Attending
  • I'd like to thank Marianne and Jeremy for coming over from London.
  • Thank you all for attending.
  • Thanks for your participation.
Endmost the Coming together
  • The meeting is finished, we'll run across each other next ...
  • The meeting is closed.
  • I declare the meeting closed.
Getting the Chairperson's Attention
  • (Mister/Madam) chairman.
  • May I have a word?
  • If I may, I think...
  • Excuse me for interrupting.
  • May I come up in here?
Giving Opinions
  • I'm positive that...
  • I (really) feel that...
  • In my opinion...
  • The fashion I run into things...
  • If you ask me,... I tend to recall that...
Asking for Opinions
  • Are you positive that...
  • Do you (really) recollect that...
  • (name of participant) can nosotros get your input?
  • How do you feel about...?
  • That's interesting.
  • I never thought most it that fashion before.
  • Good indicate!
  • I get your signal.
  • I see what yous hateful.
  • I totally hold with you.
  • Exactly!
  • That's (exactly) the fashion I feel.
  • I have to agree with (name of participant).
  • Unfortunately, I see it differently.
  • Upwards to a point I agree with y'all, but...
  • (I'm afraid) I can't agree
Advising and Suggesting
  • Let's...
  • We should...
  • Why don't y'all....
  • How/What about...
  • I advise/recommend that...
  • Permit me spell out...
  • Take I made that clear?
  • Do you lot see what I'm getting at?
  • Allow me put this some other way...
  • I'd just like to repeat that...
Requesting Information
  • Please, could you...
  • I'd similar you to...
  • Would you lot heed...
  • I wonder if you lot could...
Request for Repetition
  • I'thousand afraid I didn't empathize that. Could you repeat what you just said?
  • I didn't catch that. Could y'all echo that, please?
  • I missed that. Could y'all say it once again, delight?
  • Could you run that by me ane more than time?
Asking for Description
  • I don't quite follow you. What exactly practise you mean?
  • I'm afraid I don't quite understand what your are getting at.
  • Could yous explain to me how that is going to piece of work?
  • I don't see what yous mean. Could we accept some more details, please?
Asking for Verification
  • Y'all did say next week, didn't you? ('did' is stressed)
  • Do you mean that...?
  • Is information technology true that...?
Asking for Spelling
  • Could you spell that, please?
  • Would you lot mind spelling that for me, please?
Asking for Contributions
  • We haven't heard from you yet, (name of participant).
  • What do you think most this proposal?
  • Would y'all like to add together anything, (name of participant)?
  • Has anyone else got anything to contribute?
  • Are there any more than comments?
Correcting Information
  • Sorry, I think y'all misunderstood what I said.
  • Sorry, that's not quite right.
  • I'yard afraid you don't sympathize what I'm maxim.
  • That'south not quite what I had in mind.
  • That's not what I meant.
Keeping the Coming together On Target (fourth dimension, relevance, decisions)
  • We're running short of time.
  • Well, that seems to be all the fourth dimension we have today.
  • Please be cursory.
  • I'chiliad agape we've run out of time.
  • I'm afraid that's outside the telescopic of this meeting.
  • Permit's get back on track, why don't we?
  • That's not really why we're hither today.
  • Why don't nosotros return to the primary focus of today'due south meeting.
  • Nosotros'll have to exit that to some other fourth dimension.
  • Nosotros're beginning to lose sight of the primary indicate.
  • Go along to the point, please.
  • I think we'd better leave that for another coming together.
  • Are nosotros ready to make a decision?

Arranging a meeting

Asking for a meeting
  • Could nosotros schedule a fourth dimension to meet next week?
  • I'd like to schedule a meeting as soon as possible.
  • Could I advise that we meet?
  • Tin we meet and go over this together?
  • Mayhap we could come across and go over the details together?
  • Practice you lot take time to meet next week?
  • I was wondering if y'all might have fourth dimension to meet on Thursday.
Suggesting a meeting time
  • How nearly Mon at ix?
  • How would Wednesday at four o'clock be for yous?
  • How nigh sometimes later on luncheon?
  • Could nosotros see next week?
  • Would it be possible for usa to meet on Fri afternoon next week?
  • Can I suggest 7.30 on Thursday evening?
  • Could we schedule a time to run across side by side week?
  • Would half past five adjust yous?
Proverb that you can attend
  • Sounds skilful.
  • Yes, that works for me.
  • Yes, that would be fine.
  • Yep, I tin manage that.
Confirming the day and time
  • See you on Monday at seven.
  • So, I look forwards to seeing you on Tuesday at four.
  • And so that's Tuesday at three p.thou. in your office.
Agreeing the length of a meeting
  • Should we programme for the whole afternoon?
  • Permit'due south leave the timing of the meeting open for at present.
  • How long should nosotros plane on meeting for?
  • The meeting should take almost an hour and a one-half.
Saying that you're looking forward to seeing someone
  • It'll be nice to come across yous then.
  • I'm looking forward to meeting you then.
Saying sad and rescheduling a coming together
  • I'm calling about our meeting next week.
  • I'm terribly pitiful.
  • I'm afraid I have to ask you if we can reschedule our coming together next week.
  • I'yard agape something has come up up.
  • Sorry to inconvenience y'all.
  • Could nosotros postpone the meeting until Wednesday at the same time?
  • Would you exist able to meet on Tuesday instead?
  • Would information technology be possible to meet a bit later/earlier?

Introductions and pocket-size talk

Introduction yourself
  • Hello. My name'southward…
  • How-do-you-do everyone. My name's…
  • Hello. I'm…
  • Pleased to meet you.
  • Nice to meet you.
  • How exercise you do? I'm…
Making introductions
  • Ms Lai, do you know Mr Weimann?
  • Chris, take you met Fiona withal?
  • Mr Saramanago, I'd like you to come across Ms Copeland.
  • Delphine, this is Eric. Eric, Delphine.
Asking someone to use your kickoff proper name
  • Please, call me Chris.
  • By the way, it'southward Frances.
  • And yous can call me…
  • And I'yard…
Asking how someone is
  • How are you?
  • How are you doing?
  • How are things going?
  • How's business?
Making pocket-sized talk
  • Which hotel are you staying at?
  • How long have you lot worked for your company?
  • Did you come hither by aeroplane?
  • Which drome did yous wing into?
  • Is this the offset time you've come here for a meeting?
  • Are yous a colleague of, … ?
  • Practice you know my colleague, … ?
  • Is this your showtime visit to (country/town)?
Showing interest in what someone is saying
  • Correct.
  • Oh, really?
  • Interesting.
  • That's admittedly fascinating!
  • I see.

Starting a meeting

Welcoming participants to a meeting
  • It's overnice to meet everyone.
  • It'due south smashing to meet everybody.
  • I'yard glad y'all could all get in today.
  • Hello everybody.
  • It'south good to run across you all.
Maxim who can nourish the meeting
  • I have apologies from Tina and Bob.
  • Derek has sent his apologies.
  • Petya can't brand it either.
  • Unfortunately, Tim wasn't able to make it today.
  • Laura can't be with us today.
  • Laura has sent her apologies.
Stating what the meeting'due south almost
  • Nosotros're meeting today to talk about…
  • Our objective today is…
  • We'll exist discussing…
  • Jim volition be examining…
  • Jeremy will present an analysis of…
  • John will be giving us an overview of…
Introduction participants at a coming together
  • Before we begin, tin can I introduce Chris Hall to yous all?
  • Does anybody know Mary Norman?
  • This is Christina, one of our consultants.
  • Let me innovate…
Asking participants to innovate themselves
  • Why don't you introduce yourself to everyone?
  • Tell us a bit about yourself.
  • Could you tell usa all who you are and say something about yourself?
Giving details most yourself
  • I'm the business evolution manager.
  • I've been with Burotech PLC since 2002.
  • I've worked for the company for four years.
  • I'm based in the Madrid office.
  • I work at our Cambridge branch.

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Source: https://english4real.com/resource_speaking_effective_meetings.html

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